
Kutatua is Swahili for "to solve". Do you have open vacancies in your organization or company? There is a "Jobs" section for that. Are you looking to carpool/vanpool with someone who is heading in the same direction as you? Kutatua has a "Carpooling section for everyone who is planning to pool with someone. Are you jobless and consuming airburgers at your local city park? The "Joblessville" section is for stories about joblessness. And there is the "Clients From Hell" section where you can post a story about that particular annoying client you ever had, unit converters, a browser-based task manager and various calculators.

If you have any queries, love the product and just want to say "Hi" or you would like to see a calculator or feature added send me an email to jambo[at]kutatua[dot]com.

- Twinspark the Dev